Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Too Big for My Britches

Sooooo this is probably too much information for some, but I thought it worthy of noting for all time in the baby blog.

WARNING: If you don't want to know then stop reading NOW!!!!!

I had to buy grown up girl undies yesterday. My baby body has forced me out of my bright, youthful, there's no point in even trying to fold, undies. I wore them until I just couldn't take it anymore. Plus no one likes to see a lady picking her wedgie all the time. I was just glad to find them in fun patterns and not so granny pantyish. It was a sad moment for me, but at least I feel more comfortable and I can say that my panties are no longer in a wad. This also adds to my list of post baby goals.

Getting back into the bright, youthful, there's no point in even trying to fold, undies.

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